What's new: Meeting Dolphin's Meeting Planner

At Meeting Dolphin, our M.O. is to make meetings as efficient, as productive and as easy as possible.

From our user discovery, the single largest pain point in our work life is too many meetings. This is true of the fact that we now spend +50% of our hours in meetings.

While this is the case, we think it is a symptom of a larger issue: a lack of meeting strategy and tracking*.

🐬Meeting Planner

We believe strongly that this is because current calendar-like applications are not designed for this. They are purely a placeholder for an event with little to no help with showing information and the communication flow.

With our brand new tool, we aim to make meeting strategy, meeting intent and meeting actions easy to construct via purpose built UX/UI. Both managers and individual contributors will feel empowered to get the most out of their meetings.


🛠️ Projects & Planner & Swimlanes

Each type of Projects has its own structure and using the planner we can split our meetings into different Swimlanes. You can also invite members to your projects and let them view the plan.

🗓️ Events & Action points

Events can simply be created by dragging and dropping onto the view. As of writing this article, we built integration to Google Calendar. All new events are synced directly to your primary Google Calendar.

✅ To-do list

For the typical Individual Contributor, they are less concerned about the long term flow of the project but more on what they need to share and complete. Our to-do list shows all their action points which they need to complete.

🐛 Other fixes

  • Fixed extension to wearch to apply on view change.
  • Fixed extension error on appointment times.
  • Refactored OAuth for Web app and Extension. Requires relog in.
  • Fixed extesion to add styles under shadow root so that styling does not leak into other things in the calendar.

Final thoughts

Please send me any requests and feedback you may have to christopher.lai@meetingdolphin.com. Again.. all is welcome and I will definitely response 😊!